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All SUVs
SUVs with MSRP < $30K (USD)
SUVs with MSRP between $30-50K (USD)
SUVs with MSRP > $50K (USD)
SUVs with < 150 Horsepower
SUVs with Horsepower between 150 HP and 300 HP
SUVs with > 300 Horsepower
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All Sedans
Sedans with MSRP < $30K (USD)
Sedans with MSRP between $30-50K (USD)
Sedans with MSRP > $50K (USD)
Sedans with < 150 Horsepower
Sedans with Horsepower between 150 HP and 300 HP
Sedans with > 300 Horsepower
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Electric/Hybrid Vehicles
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Electric/Hybrid Vehicles with MSRP < $30K (USD)
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Sports Cars
All Sports Cars
Sports Cars with MSRP < $30K (USD)
Sports Cars with MSRP between $30-50K (USD)
Sports Cars with MSRP > $50K (USD)
Sports Cars with < 150 Horsepower
Sports Cars with Horsepower between 150 HP and 300 HP
Sports Cars with > 300 Horsepower
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4500-5000 lbs